Retail Trends

A moderated panel provided a discussion of retail trends in North America and what implications they may hold for communities.

Hermann J. Kircher, President of Kircher Research Associates, a market research analyst, presented a thought-provoking lecture on retail trends in Ottawa-Carleton and beyond. Mr. Kircher was joined by three individuals with ties to the local retail community to provide a panel discussion on the implications of these trends in Ottawa-Carleton.
Barry Nabatian, Market Research Corporation.
Christine Leadman, Executive Director of the Westboro Business Improvement Area.
John Blatherwick, Department of Geography, Carleton University.

Ottawa’s X-Files: Lost Visions, Forgotten Dreams

A panel of historians, critics and professionals highlighted some of this century’s unrealized dreams, fantastic follies and some rather perplexing proposals for the Capital Region. The lecture provided a scholarly look back at where we have come from, and some wisdom for where we are now heading.

David Gordon, Queen’s University School of Urban & Regional Planning, discussed some of the great plans for the Capital including the Bennett/Holt Plan of 1915 and the Greber Plan of 1950.
Phil Jenkins, journalist and author of An Acre of Time, examined how the pursuit of new urban visions completely changed LeBreton Flats landscape, with a focus on the grand plans of the 1960s and 1970s, and on the character of the community plowed under in anticipation.
Barry Wellar, University of Ottawa School of Geography, took us back to the planning and engineering of the “modern city” during the 1960s and 1970s, drawing out some ideas that have been lost and identifying others that we might wish away.

What Makes Great Streets?

According to Allan Jacobs, the streets of a city define its liveability by revealing insights into the quality of urban life. This two-part event included a professional development workshop and a public lecture that led professionals from Ottawa and Toronto to explore ways to enhance the public function of a typical arterial road.

Allan Jacobs, Architect, Chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of California at Berkley and author of Great Streets shared his observations of streets from all over the world to help better understand the physical and social qualities required to create great urban streets.

Visions for the City: Lessons in City Building from Frederick Law Olmsted

Presented in both Ottawa and Toronto, the lecture outlined what lessons Frederick Law Olmsted’s vision brings to cities today. Olmsted is best known as the designer of Central Park and Mount Royal, but he is also the father of “North American Urbanism” whose ideas and approach to town planning have made a lasting impression on the fabric of our cities. Olmsted invented the concept of the parkway and also conceived the first planned suburb in North America.

Witold Rybczynski, Architect, Meyerson Chair of Urbanism at the University of Pennsylvania, best-selling author and noted observer of urban trends provided an insight of his new book on Frederick Law Olmsted.

Today’s GIS: New Tools, New Users

This interactive lecture communicated general aspects of GIS development and implementation, in addition to providing several examples of progressive applications.

Alex Miller, President of ESRI Canada, explored the future of GIS.
Phil Fong, Statistics Canada’s Geography Division, demonstrated Election Mapper, an Internet-based mapping tool using data from the last federal election.
Bob Proulx, Industry Canada’s Strategis Content Development Team, demonstrated the Canadian Business Map providing information on Canadian businesses.
Ron Williamson, Archeological Services Inc.
Bob Murdoch, Geomatics International Inc., demonstrated the use of GIS technology for archeological and heritage resource assessment.

On the Fast Track: Sustainable Transportation in Canada

The lecture outlined how a national strategy for sustainable transportation is being developed, with impacts that will reach every corner of our economy. It was an opportunity for members of the urban transportation, planning, design and development professions to consider a critical new agenda.

John Hartman, Transportation Association of Canada, reviewed national initiatives undertaken by TAC and others to consult with stakeholders and develop effective strategies.
Richard Gilbert, Centre for Sustainable Transportation, placed key issues in an international context, and outlined the priorities being addressed by the newly formed CST.
Wayne Kauk, Transport Canada, provided an overview of the federal government’s draft Sustainable Transportation Strategy, and discussed implications for urban areas.

Redeveloping Contaminated Sites

The assessment, management and reuse of contaminated sites is increasingly challenging, and our panel of government, legal, real estate and consulting professionals covered all the angles.

David d’Amour, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, introduced the state of current work and key issues facing practitioners in this important field.
Andy Lewis, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy, provided an overview of new provincial guidelines published in 1996.
Pierre Maheux, Jacques Whitford Environmental Limited, discussed the application of restoration and reuse technologies.
David Cox, McCarthy-Tétrault, examined liability and closure issues.